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Our EcoChallenges are based off the 6 LEED categories and range from re-purposing your food waste to learning how to track energy usage, all with the purpose of promoting a habit of sustainable living. We have listed all the 2022 challenges below, along with descriptions for each. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out to us via Instagram at @shakeryouthleeds or via email at shakeryouthleeds@gmail. 

Happy EcoChallenging!

Planting a Tree

Submit Your Points!

Ecology and Natural Systems

Plant a Tree (1-3 trees=10 points, 4-8=20 points, 9+=30 points)
You can purchase saplings at a local tree nursery. Log the type of tree(s) you plant.

Take Part in The Free Front Yard Tree Program (15 points)

It includes a consultation about planting a new tree in your front yard, and the delivery and installation of the tree at no cost! The purpose of the program is to increase the tree canopy, absorb storm water runoff and combat climate change. Email Laura Marks for more info. 

Plant a native plant (1-3 plants=5 points, 4-8=10 points, 9+=15 points)
Purchase and plant some native plants for your garden or home. Here are some flowers and plants you can choose as well as a list of nurseries you can check out. Additionally, the Audubon Society has an amazing tool to find native plants for attracting native bird species. Log the plant(s) you planted.

Plant plants that support pollinators (1-3 plants=5 points, 4-8=10 points, 9+=15 points)
You can find a list of plants here.

Remove an invasive plant (1-3 plants=5 points, 4-8=10 points, 9+=15 points)
Here's a list of invasive species that are affecting Northeast Ohio. Log the plant(s) you removed.

Try Bird-Watching (1 hr=5 points, 2-3=10 points, 3+=5 points)
Log some of the birds you see. A great app to help you get started is Merlin Bird ID.

Search up and learn more about the watershed you live in (5 points)
Log the name of your watershed. The U.S. Geological Survey has a helpful tool to get you started.

Go to a Farmer's Market (15 points)
Eating local foods helps the environment and your community (read more here). This website can help you find local farms, farmers' markets, and even CSAs you can sign up for. Log what farmer's market you go to.

Learn about why Biodiversity is important (10 points)

Start with these links:

  1. Why Biodiversity is Important

  2. The Ecology of Disease

  3. How Wolves Change Rivers

Buy plants from STUMP/OTHER local stores that sell plants! (1-3 plants=10 points, 4-8=20 points, 9+=30 points)

Transportation and Land Use

Alternative Transportation (5 points per trip)
Use alternative modes of transit to get to work, the grocery store, etc. (basically any way except a single-occupancy vehicle).

Bike Safety (10 points)

Take a bike safety class. You can also watch some videos about bike safety here.


Become a Member of the Following (see description) (10 points) Become a member of the Heights Bicycle Coalition or Bike Cleveland

Learn about Cleveland's bike plans (5 points)

Learn about Cleveland's bike plans and resources here


Buy an RTA pass (10 points per pass)

You can purchase passes here. 


Buy Carbon Offsets (20 points per purchase)
You can customize your offset purchase to your lifestyle on Terrapass. You can make one time purchases or monthly purchases. 


Track your carbon footprint! (15 points)

You can do so with this website or by downloading LiveGreen Daily Carbon Tracker on the App Store. They include personalized actions to reduce your footprint and an easy logging system to keep yourself accountable on a daily basis.


Attend a Horseshoe Lake Info Session (15pts)
Go to a NEORSD arranged Horseshoe Lake Info Session on the dam removal and enjoy the nature at the park.

Attend The Doan Brook Gorge Stream Sweep (20 points)

Help the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership celebrate Earth Day by attending their clean up on April 17th at 12:30-3pm. 

Attend The Drive Electric Earth Day Event (20 points)

Learn about electric vehicles at Drive Electric Earth Day at The Van Aken District on Saturday, April 17th from 11am-1pm.

Register for the Earth Day Virtual Panel Discussion (15 points)

Join representatives from the Shaker Historical Society, the City of Shaker Heights, Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, Rust Belt Riders and others for a discussion about how we all can become more sustainable on Thursday, April 22 at 6pm. 

Donate to the Computer, Electronics & Small Appliances Roundup (10 points)

Visit the Service Center on Saturdays, April 3 and 10, Sundays, April 4 and 11 from 8 am-4 pm to donate to the roundup

Shop at one of the businesses we partner with (15 points)
Log what business you shop at and what product you bought! 

Make a Short Infographic on What You Learned (10pts)
Use your creative side to create an infographic displaying your new knowledge on the environment. 

Drawing Challenge (3pts per piece)
Create a drawing based on something you've learned or spectated this week relating to sustainability. It can be anything ranging from a landscape you saw on a walk, to a drawing of a sustainable device you might have installed, or one that touches on the on-going fight for climate change.


Sign up for NOPEC's adjusted electrical aggregation program (10pts) Source a portion of your power from renewable sources through NOPEC's adjusted electrical aggregation program.

Purchase a Green-Certified REC (Renewable Energy Credit) from NOPEC (15 points)

Learn How To Track Energy Usage (5pts) 

Track Your Energy Usage For A Day (5pts per day)

Be sure to mention which method you use!

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint (5 points)
You can use this calculator. Report back your results!

Install Efficient Lighting* (1-3 bulbs=5 points, 4-8=10 points, 9+=15 points))

Swap out energy draining bulbs for more efficient ones. This allows for reduced electrical demand, maintenance and energy savings, lower operating costs, and more. Learn more about lighting alternatives here.

Seal Windows and Leaks (5 pts)

Caulking windows, sealing leaks around chimneys and recessed lighting, and sliding draft guards under your doors can save up to 20% on heating costs.

Install a Programmable Thermostat (10 pts)

In colder weather, schedule a lower temp when you are away or asleep, and increase when you are returning home or waking-up. In warm weather, schedule the thermostat to raise the temperature when you are away or asleep, and lower it at other times. 

Clean/Change Your HVAC System (10 pts)

A dirty furnace filter will slow down air flow,  making the system work harder and costing you more money.

Purchase ENERGY STAR® Products (10 pts) 

ENERGY STAR® labeled windows can cut heating costs. If you are undertaking a major home remodel or new build, consider installing ENERGY STAR® qualified HVAC equipment and appliances.


Turn Off Electronics (5 points/electronic)

Wash Clothes with Cold Water (1 load=2 points, 2-3=4 points, 4+=6 points)

Get and Energy Audit (5 points)

Install Solar Panels (50 pts)

Quality of Life

Volunteer for 1 hour (5 points per hour)

Visit The Shaker Nature Center's website to learn more.

Use Shaker Sidewalks (3 points)

Explore Shaker Parks (5 points)

Become a member of The Shaker Nature Center (15 points)

Learn About the Water Justice Movement (5 points)
Take 15 minutes to learn about the water justice movement and why it's important. A great place to start is by reading "Water Justice: Why It Matters and How to Achieve It" by Farhana Sultana. The article is available for free download on ResearchGate.

Attend an event hosted by The Shaker Nature Center or NEORSD (10 points)

Materials and Resources

Buy from Tilth Soil (10 points)
Buy a bag of Tilth Soil (show a receipt). 

Sign up for Rust Belt Riders and use their service (8 points)
Visit the Rust Belt Rider's website and sign up for their service (show a receipt). 

Re-purpose the food waste you create (5 points)
Make your own compost (Here is a website).
Save your vegetable scraps to make into a vegetable stock! (Here is a website)

Eat all the food on your plate (for 1 meal=3 points, 2=6 points, 3+=9 points)
For a week, hold a streak of eating all the food on your plate. Even after this challenge is over, continue doing doing so because it's a good practice! 

Walk Around Shaker and Pick-up Trash (15 points)
Prepare a disposable grocery bag and some gloves and pick up all the trash you see while walking around Shaker. 

Use a Reusable Water Bottle (3 point per day) 

Buy Products Without Microplastics (1-3 items=5 points, 4-8=10 points, 9+=14 points)
Read this article about why microplastics are dangerous and how you can avoid them. It also includes brands and products you can purchase. You can also use the app My Plastic Footprint to see how you can further reduce your plastic footprint. 

Eat meatless/vegan meals (5/10 points per day, respectively)
You can read this article to learn about the environmental impacts of meat. 

Use Reusable Bags While Shopping (5 points per shopping trip) 

Talk to your school/business representative about composting! (5 points)

Water Efficiency

Install a Rain Barrel (20pts)

Rain barrels help reduce runoff from storms, which is beneficial because it prevents it from picking up fertilizer, oil, soil, pesticides, and contaminating other bodies of water. It also contains nutrients that cannot be found in tap water, which can be especially helpful for healthy plants and soil. 

Here is a short tutorial on how to get started. 

Install Low Flow Showerheads or Faucets (20pts each)

Low flow showerheads can decrease water consumption by 40%, decreasing energy usage and slashing monthly water bills. 

Scrape Food Off of Your Plate Instead of Rinsing it Off (3pts each meal) 

Only Use the Dishwasher When It's Full (3pts each time)

Avoid the “rinse hold” cycle and skip heated drying – simply open the door at the end of the washing cycle and let the dishes air dry!


Stay up to date with the latest news on The Shaker EcoChallenge and Shaker Youth LEEDs.

Thanks for submitting!

The Shaker EcoChallenge 2022

Shaker Heights, OH

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